Maiores informações, vide abaixo. / More info, see below.
Resultados até agora / Results so far: (2003-04-28)
# hits string ----------- ------------- 03460000000 the 02310000000 of 02230000000 to 02230000000 and 02150000000 a 01870000000 4 01810000000 in 01290000000 for 01220000000 1 01210000000 com 01150000000 de 01050000000 www 00990000000 is 00958000000 2 00910000000 on 00838000000 @com 00836000000 i 00764000000 3 00743000000 this 00741000000 with 00715000000 that 00677000000 it 00647000000 you 00591000000 all 00574000000 0 00567000000 5 00559000000 from 00527000000 e 00523000000 10 00519000000 2002 00503000000 & 00469000000 an 00467000000 html 00453000000 6 00452000000 your 00451000000 not 00442000000 home 00441000000 page 00423000000 s 00405000000 2003 00400000000 7 00399000000 no 00397000000 8 00396000000 t 00394000000 d 00385000000 new 00380000000 11 00375000000 more 00369000000 us 00352000000 about 00351000000 html 00347000000 9 00335000000 we 00328000000 if 00327000000 12 00324000000 can 00322000000 c 00318000000 2001 00317000000 15 00316000000 20 00308000000 htm 00305000000 l 00303000000 free 00302000000 one 00298000000 site 00285000000 m 00284000000 re 00283000000 search 00281000000 14 00280000000 o 00278000000 13 00274000000 16 00270000000 2000 00264000000 up 00264000000 has 00263000000 net 00260000000 18 00257000000 my 00256000000 http 00253000000 time 00252000000 17 00251000000 b 00244000000 web 00242000000 y 00241000000 und 00240000000 which 00240000000 so 00239000000 they 00232000000 n 00230000000 he 00230000000 die 00229000000 news 00228000000 19 00223000000 x 00222000000 21 00221000000 their 00214000000 there 00212000000 contact 00209000000 24 00207000000 org 00207000000 only 00207000000 le 00206000000 co 00205000000 me 00205000000 mail 00205000000 back 00198000000 01 00198000000 00 00195000000 date 00191000000 p 00191000000 his 00190000000 who 00188000000 first 00187000000 Online 00185000000 du 00181000000 se 00179000000 w 00179000000 help 00178000000 name 00178000000 any 00177000000 v 00177000000 how 00176000000 service 00176000000 list 00175000000 f 00173000000 r 00169000000 el 00163000000 over 00163000000 h 00162000000 like 00160000000 view 00160000000 links 00160000000 email 00160000000 business 00158000000 into 00157000000 two 00156000000 its 00155000000 world 00155000000 last 00154000000 1999 00153000000 internet 00152000000 rights 00152000000 copyright 00151000000 am 00150000000 del 00149000000 j 00147000000 people 00147000000 g 00142000000 u 00142000000 sex 00140000000 state 00140000000 les 00139000000 system 00139000000 k 00135000000 uk 00133000000 work 00131000000 year 00130000000 100 00126000000 please 00124000000 info 00123000000 such 00123000000 best 00122000000 software 00120000000 support 00119000000 group 00118000000 von 00117000000 z 00115000000 privacy 00115000000 price 00115000000 order 00114000000 city 00113000000 high 00113000000 general 00113000000 1998 00112000000 edu 00110000000 subject 00110000000 photo 00110000000 available 00109000000 product 00109000000 part 00109000000 000 00106000000 non 00106000000 forum 00105000000 link 00103000000 policy 00103000000 man 00103000000 health 00102000000 public 00102000000 program 00101000000 school 00101000000 line 00101000000 company
(English info below)
Estou tentando encontrar as cadeias de texto (strings) que produzem o maior número de resultados quando pesquisadas via Google. Vale tudo: letras, números e pontuação. Cadeias válidas de texto podem ser curtas, longas, ou de apenas um caractere.
Tem tempo sobrando? Se você encontrar cadeias assim, gerando mais de 100.000.000 resultados no Google, por favor envie-as pra mim, colocando a informação na linha "Subject:" (Assunto), respeitando o seguinte formato:
Assunto: gmh <espaço> string <espaço> hits
Para delimitar o milhar, use ponto ("."), vírgula (",") ou nenhum delimitador, tudo bem.
Exemplos válidos:
Assunto: gmh on 910000000 (string = "on", hits = 910.000.000)
Assunto: gmh t 396.000.000 (string = "t", hits = 396.000.000)
Assunto: gmh software 112,000,000 (string = "software", hits = 112.000.000)
Se você quiser informar outros strings, faça-o no corpo da mesma mensagem, mas sempre respeitando o formato. O formato é importante porque um programa furreca vai ler as mensagens de entrada e processá-las.
gmh from 559.000.000 gmh e 527.000.000 gmh 10 523.000.000 gmh & 503.000.000 gmh 6 453.000.000
E também, se você encontrar um ou mais weblinks apontando para sites que tenham promovido buscas semelhantes no Google, por favor informe.
Convém lembrar que às vezes há diferenças no número de hits, mas nada sério.
Veja ao final os agradecimentos.
I'm trying to find the text strings that produce the bigger number of hits when searched via Google. Anything is valid: letters, numbers and punctuation. Valid text-strings can be short, long or single-character strings.
Do you have some spare time? If you can find such strings, with #hits > 100,000,000 please send them to me via email, putting the info on the "Subject:" line, respecting the following format:
Subject: gmh <space> string <space> #hits
To delimit thousands, use period ("."), comma (",") or no delimiter, it's ok.
Valid examples:
Subject: gmh on 910000000 (string = "on", hits = 910,000,000)
Subject: gmh t 396.000.000 (string = "t", hits = 396,000,000)
Subject: gmh software 112,000,000 (string = "software", hits = 112,000,000)
If you want to inform other strings, do it in the body of the same message, but always respecting the format. The format is important because a (lamer) program will read the incoming messages and process them.
gmh from 559.000.000 gmh e 527.000.000 gmh 10 523.000.000 gmh & 503.000.000 gmh 6 453.000.000
And also, if you can find one or more weblinks pointing to sites which have promoted similar searches on Google, please inform.
Sometimes there are differences on the number of hits, but nothing serious.
And thanks to everyone who contributed:
Andre Carregal <[email protected]> Andre Jambeiro <[email protected]> andremg <[email protected]> Andres E. de la Plaza <[email protected]> Antonio Bulhoes <[email protected]> Benjamin Azevedo <[email protected]> Bia <[email protected]> Christian Haagensen Gontijo <[email protected]> Daher <[email protected]> David Svaiter <[email protected]> Denis Pedro <[email protected]> Devanir Nunes <[email protected]> Eduardo Dalcin <[email protected]> Eduardo Ramos <[email protected]> epmag <[email protected]> Fabarruda <[email protected]> Fabio Correa <[email protected]> Fabio Tagnin <[email protected]> Fernando Lincoln Mattos <[email protected]> Flavio Correa de Freitas <[email protected]> geleia <[email protected]> Geraldo Xexeo <[email protected]> Gustavo Guimaraes <[email protected]> Joaquim Jeunon <[email protected]> Jorge Yusim <[email protected]> Jose Felipe <[email protected]> Leandro C. Arantes <[email protected]> Marco Antonio Abi-Ramia <[email protected]> Marcus Vinicius <[email protected]> Norton Ji <[email protected]> Oleg <[email protected]> OLGA <[email protected]> Paulo H. G. Jorge <[email protected]> Peter Clark <[email protected]> PNZ <[email protected]> Rafael do Nascimento Pereira <[email protected]> Roberto Brigagao <[email protected]> Roberto Quintanilha de Lima <[email protected]> Robson D. da Rocha <[email protected]> Rodrigo Sobrinho <[email protected]> Roner Araujo Caldeira de Moura <[email protected]> Rodolfo Ribas <[email protected]> Sergio Martins <[email protected]> Sergio Valente <[email protected]> Thiago Conde Figueiró <[email protected]>
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